Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007

Why doesn't the church read my blog?

My post about freedom of speech is still fresh, and what do I get today? "Parents for law-abiding education" wants me to remove Harry Potter from schools. Because he summons 'demons' to do 'his bidings'.

So, yes, Parents for law-abiding education are serious religous nu... errr... are seriously reality challenged. (Or - if you don't believe in a reality that is independent of our minds - they are at least sensory challenged).

Children read fairy tales. period. The church is allowed to run sunday schools, and tell the kids everything about the bible they want to know. Besides, Saffra TV just won the our price for positive depiction of minorities for what? A priest with a women shoe fetish. That's all your screen time for today, guys. You can ask again next week, but if you don't bother with the Tivertonian State News channel, at least read my blog!

To all tolerant and open minded christians out there: I am sorry. I am sorry that a small group sheds such a bad light on you. Even if you don't like these fantasy books: If you want your children to believe by heart, not just because they don't know anything else, they need to learn to handle these.

P.S. Personally I find Harry Potter boring. It's an easy read, but somehow.. long.

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