There's been a lotof talk about divorces lately. The media (well, that media) has taken its usual spin, "huge increase of divorces in the last fivehundred years, the sky is falling!"
Dear media, that's because twohundred years ago, divorces were punishable by stoning, and fivehundred years ago all that lived here was a pulk of wild pigs and an eremite.
So we have the proposal of the catholic church, basically "divorce should be illegal". The opposing proposal is to allow of homosexual marriages.
Kids. Both of you have a deadfire reason what's wrong with the world, and both of you have exactly one thing that needs to be changed to save the sky from falling so fast. I can actually sympathize with both positions: First, when you marry, you shouldn't marry to evade taxes, or did you notice that the small bars of butter cost almost the same as the large ones? That's what I call the supermarket singles tax, (imposed by corporations not government, though when you ask them they'll have totally bulletproff reasons why it's my fault again). Well, see, you should not marry to save at the supermarket checkout (go shopping with your neighbor, how hard is that?) but because you promise not only to each other but all the world (and me, and Pastor Felix) that you will not run away at the first signs of trouble or bigger boobies or whatever makes you people divorce. I know that things change, but please, people, at least make an effort. I also don't make a difference for gay marriages. Same for you.
But I don't like the messengers. So, I simply go with the oddball proposal by John Black, Author of the X are from Y, Z are from ... errr. W are from X, Y are from Z series of bestsellers. Did you know why we call them bestsellers? Because you read books but buy bessellers. Ha! Anyway, here's the decree: Call your spouse 'darling' once a day, or get fined.
Yes. He says, it will save many marriages. I really don't know. But I do know that you have to develop things that belong neither to you nor to your spouse, but to your partnership. How often in your life did you think "Well, he's five years younger, he's got a real job and the sex is better, but I miss the way my ex said 'good morning, darling' after brushing his teeth"? Never? Here's your chance. It can't hurt to call each other Darling once in a while, even if it's hard. Remember our motto: "We Build You".
Also, I want to be one of those oddball countries with these crazy laws,and that's my chance. The fine can only be requested by one of the spouses, so you can happily live without ever saying "darling" to each other, and noone can complains. Unless of course, the Need-More-Surveillance guys get their way.
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