Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2007

Compulsory Voting

Welcome, welcome! Yes, I made it! Since today, 16:35 I am the ruler of Tivertonias. Leader. Elected. Democratic. Democratically elected leader. That's it. It is hard to get used to these things. My brother, Wong, seems to be a bit jealous, but he is looking up to me as if I were a titan and beautiful girls would spring from my brain.

And the first issue, I think I handled very well. Compulsory Voting. Yes of course! I take few vacations. I work hard 8 to ten hours day. I have to refrain from calling in the military and remain friendly when the representative of Zommer breathes his spoiled-milk-breath into my face and tells me 'funny' jokes I still remember from kindergarden. He says it's quality cheese, but I still say all they need are a few refrigerators. One per cow. Maybe he is testing my antics. "Does he still remembree zeese shokes? Yes, he is not debile yet. What aah pitie!"

Where was I?
Ah, you. See, my job is hard. And I'm blogging to tell you how hard it is. The least I can ask from you in return is to vote for me. Err.... to vote. But even though our wonderful Tivertonian education system teaches everyone to read, write and calculate at very early age (excluding the minor percentage of people with mental or physical disabilities. It's disabilities, because they are, for all we know, unable to learn to read and write and calculate. My Brother Wong is reading challenged, they are clearly unable. Maybe if we find a way to help them, but for the time being...)

Where was I? Yes, even though every Tivertonian is able to make an informed vote, they refrain from doing so, for one or another reason. Just think of my mom (hello mom!!):

"Yes of course I wanted to vote for you, but I had to go raspberry picking for the cake you like so much, and the aunt Emily came, and you know how she is talking and talking, and the day was gone"

So to make that decision easier for you, voting is compulsory now. A democracy doesn't end at the voting booth, but it sure begins there.

(Actually it begins in the minds of the people, but I've decided to stay away from that for now, and voting is the first expression required)

And besides, if my new advisor, Jessica Something, says "compulsory", I feel all warm and snuggly inside.

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