Samstag, 13. Januar 2007

Uncle Sam needs your liver!

This was really unpopular. Compulsory Organ Donations!

One of the newspapers today had a front page front page picture that can be adequately described as disgusting: A caricature man that I assume is supposed to be with a huge scalpel in one hand, the other hand deep in the ripped-open chest of a traffic accident victim, surrounded by scantily clothed women mourning.

I presume the makers of this newspaper don't like me very much. That is the life of a rpesident who decides, rather than appeal.

It was a hard decision for me. I feel deep inside that life is a miracle, some fragile miracle to be protected. But donating an organ after death will nor scar life, but will allow recycling its machinery. We want to give that fragile scent of magic another chance.

As you may take from the official announcement - if anyone cares to listen, do I have to nationalize media outlets to get you listen to me instead of that mindless clowns?

As you may take from the official announcement, the law has been greatly exaggerated. Everybody (no pun intended !) is a potential donor by default, you can opt out by carrying a Organ Donation Refusal Card every time. The card has to be renewed yearly, and you have to motivate your decision written or oral to a representative of the the newly founded Ministry of organ Donation Refusal Management.

Let's be frank here: people die because to many of you are to lazy to get an organ donor card just once in their lifetime. The last government simply ignored the topic, and the one before adopted the position that people are good hearted and eager to help. My position is: people are good hearted, but to lazy to act on it. So we help you be the good guy.

Afternote: During the debate, My advisor Jessica Dontcallmejustsomethingihavearealnamelookitupifyoucareabout me said "compulsory" so often that I almost fainted. Only later I figured out she was against that. Will she now hate me? This is the kind of sacrifice I have to make as your leader.

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