Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007

Free Speech!

Yes, we have reinforced the principles of free speech.

The argument for it goes like this:
"Free speech allows ideas to be explored, challenged, and discussed in a productive, open forum. It teaches our kids to be critical thinkers. And dirty words, of course, but that's just the price you pay."

Which is a bit misleading. It sounds like it would somehow magically create a "productive, open forum" - but that's not true. If we had a open forum, free speech would surely help - but since free speech is more or less included already in the "open" part of an open forum, then whole thing looks like a snake biting its tail. (Which is called Ouroboros. Look it up.)

Reminder: Fori are never productive. They are there to figure out what to produce.

And teaching our kids to be critical thinkers? Our teachers do that. As said, free speech makes people think they get away with calling their mom a slut. (sorry, mom). This is not the case, it just stops me from making a general law about what you cannot say anytime anywhere in this country. It is still not ok to tell people on the burial of your grandma with how many men she lived and that she smelled bad. But it is ok in an medical emergency when the doctore asks you specifically about it.

But there is the reason I am all for free speech:
I personally don't want to sit down and think whether it's ok to fart in a plane given you are digestionally challenged, but not ok to tell the stewardess. Thats just to complicated.

I wanted to go with the "free speech, but smack them if they use bad language" choice, but that got the parliament all confused. Ahh well.

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